Posts tagged with ‘Pierre Debusschere’

The Stimuleye is a creative workshop.
This is the blog of The Stimuleye.

  • EYE 2 EYE


    - by antoine

    Besides the photo and fashion competitions, one of the Hyères festival’s strongpoints are the original exhibitions it curates. Amongst this year’s shows, Lacoste designer and 2002 Hyères winner Felipe Oliveira Baptista, up and coming photo/video/grapher Pierre Debusschere, 2001 Hyères winner photographer Charles Fréger, and ROUGH PROOF, a look at the early works of Guy Bourdin with special pieces from the private collection of Marie Laure de Noailles… of course.

    directed by Antoine Asseraf
    filmed & edited by Thibault Della Gaspera
    interviews Filep Motwary
    coordination Clementine Colson
    sound design Ça Va Chéri

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  • EYE 2 EYE


    - by antoine

    Having seen his work evolve over the years, we are proud to announce Pierre Debusschere’s new project premiering at Hyères Fashion & Photography Festival, an installation featuring original photo and video, “I know simply that the sky will last longer than I.”

    Pierre Debusschere, Portrait by Filep Motwary.

    Is this your first solo show?
    I did small solo shows before but i like to think of this one as my first one because it is the first time the work has been thought of for an exhibition medium.

    How does it feel exhibiting alongside someone like Guy Bourdin?
    It is already an honour to be present at the Villa but even more to be next to Bourdin.

    Your subjects-models are worked in a way to look like paintings, what is your aim exactly ?
    The painting, the Flemish painters are a big influence for me, there is no specific aim linked to the painting besides the connection to my inspirations.
    The technique that looks like paint that you are referring to is there more in the idea layers, different layers that gives the image different steps of reading.

    Photo by Pierre Debusschere.

    Photo by Pierre Debusschere.

    Your show’s theme is beauty versus ugliness. What are your true influences? Is it connected to the work of Umberto Eco ?
    Beauty versus ugliness is one of the themes worked in this show, the idea of what is beautiful or ugly today. Yes it is linked to Eco’s work, reading his book
    on ugliness helped me a lot in this show.

    Your work is tied to the digital medium. Can you imagine yourself working in a previous era ?
    For sure I can see myself working in a previous era, it is not about digital, it is more about the medium that fits the time, the idea of NOW.

    Photo by Pierre Debusschere.

    You have created yourself a whole structure with 254 Forest, which allows you to do an original photo series, a book, an installation and a film… How important is organization to be an artist today ?

    Yes I would not have been able without my team to create the photo-series, the book, the installation, the film, the soundtrack and the website !

    It is always about Team work for me and I’m really grateful to have them besides me. Organisation is a big part of the work, even more for project like this when we created all this body of work in 2 months. Today you need to be able to react really fast because of the technology era we live in, so that’s why a team is important too !

    You need to be present on every aspect of production at the same time ! But then we can not forget sometimes that we need to disconnect ourselves 😉


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