hyères just a taste…KIM CHOONG-WILKINS
Introducing the Hyeres 2012 selected designers. Meet menswear designer, Kim Choong Wilkins from the U.K
Kim. Photography by Filep Motwary.
How does it feel for you being selected as one of the ten designers for this edition of Hyeres Festival ?
For me this is the culmination of a very long journey. The idea that during the selection process many esteemed fashion specialists, including Yamamoto, have given their approval to my work is very encouraging. It is a crucial milestone.
I graduated as textile designer and moved to Milan to follow my dream-job which turned out to be my nightmare job. I was a bit naive. I learn t a lot about what fashion was and what it emphatically wasn’t. Returning to London to take up my masters in menswear, allowed me to figure a few things out in terms of what fashion means to me. Personally, it is a medium to rally against mediocrity.
I went to work for a handful of designers, sometimes as a seamstress, sometimes as a designer and all the time developing my signature and allowing me to mature.
For me this is a kind of compulsion, I can only do this; to draw and make and knit and sew. Its not always so rational.
Being selected for Hyeres gives this kind of obsession a context to nurture your neurosis and be part of a wider, critical audience.
How would you describe Hyeres in three words?
Limitless, creative , freedom…
What has been your favorite part of the process so far?
Being involved in a festival this prestigious has a huge focusing effect, simply being granted the brief has allowed me to find my voice. Working to develop a perfume, being given free rein to use a multitude of fabrics and an exclusive print..
Basically to be a mega-brand for a month, lucky does not even describe it. The festival is both a very slick operation and a compassionate nurse for our creative ambitions. The festival is both a very slick operation and a compassionate nurse for our creative ambitions.
What is your collection about in three words.
Subversive, dazzling, dystopia
Kim Choon-Wilkins / UK / Royal College of Art London